METAXIS - new media art festival, started in 2018.
METAXIS is aimed at studying contemporary digital art and reflecting on the era of metamodernism. It is also aimed at investigating the interaction of the individual with digital environments and their impact on it.
Founder and curator of the festival - Anastasia Skabelkina.
The fifth METAXIS dedicated to planet Earth and arranged from May 14 to 21. In three cities and two countries. 14.05 - in St. Petersburg, 20.05 - in Nizhny Novgorod, 21.05 - in Yerevan.
We all live on the same planet, planet Earth. The only place in the Universe that is available for our life in the near future. We are more than a particular nation or political ideals. We are an intelligent species on a piece of land in which life arose in a unique way.
EARTH METAXIS is aimed at reminding people that the home is one for all of us, the planet is one for all, about the happy coincidence of events that gave rise to life and the wonderful variety of its species.
SPACE METAXIS in planetarium.1, April 10. The event combines beautiful electronic music and highly aesthetic digital art. Organized by the media lab OPUS111 with the Sky University. Curated by Anastasia Skabelkina.
METAXIS 10102020 consisted of two parts: techno artists meet up and media happening. It was held in the creative space of ′′ Lumier-Hall ′′ (Saint-Petersburg) - the largest projection museum in Russia. Curated by Anastasia Skabelkina.
TECHNO ARTISTS MEET UP. Speech by experts on current media art topics, 2 workshops, 2 lectures, discussion "New media - the avant-garde of art" and generative jam with a DJ.
MEDIA HAPPENING. A rich program of audiovisual lives: performances of artists with musicians from all over the world. CaoYuxi (NY), NaoWao (Tokyo), kaleidosdope (Nuremberg), Aleph 52, Rx Tx, Elina Zazulya, Grigory Gromov, Anastasiia Skabёlkina (SPb), Synchrone (Moscow).
Chamber event of a special format, known in narrow circles. Media happening, which brought together the best representatives of the media art community of St. Petersburg. The main focus of the event was on audiovisual lives, designed for "METAXIS . ART GATHERING".
Within the framework of METAXIS 2018, many events were held:
Courses - a creation of video art, generative graphics, and audiovisual art.
Master classes - “Media Artist in the Culture of Metamodernism”, “Fashion Tech”, “Wearable Tech”.
Media happening.
Multimedia content-creating hackathon.
Nominations: full-dome projection; content for the "infinite room"; universal multimedia content for projection on the surface.
Entrance was free for all the events of the festival.
Curator -- Anastasia Skabelkina.
February 01
METAXIS 2018 was open with a special format event - media happing, a holistic digital work, consisting of several parts, each of which is aimed at overcoming the boundaries between the artist and the viewer.
The first event in the framework of the festival of media art METAXIS: a master class aimed at critical understanding of the development of media art in the context of the culture of metamodernism.
Anastasia Skabelkina
Wearable technology and Fashion Tech: what it is / for whom / why it is relevant today.
Wearable Tech: directions and current trends. What products create that you notice on the international market.
On the global: transhumanism, the 4th industrial revolution and other basic concepts for the effective creation of innovative projects in the world of technology.
Nikita Replyanski
Brand history SNEZHANA.NYC. Technology is in fashion. Mans x Machina. Biofabricate. Technological materials, 3D printing in the collection of FW 18/19.
Wearables. The influence of fashion and fashion trends on wearable technology. Significant projects and examples.
How to sell fashion + technology and enter the international market.
Snezhana Paderina
The course is aimed at mastering the Houdini program as a tool for generative graphics in the TouchDesigner environment; the main goal is the creation of a work of generative art.
The best works are shown in the events of the new media art festival METAXIS.
The course lasted 2 months, classes were held in the youth center Kvadrat. Classes are free.
The main goal - the creation of works of art on the theme "The city as a complex multi-level structure".
The best works are shown in the events of the new media art festival METAXIS.
Alex Antipin
The course is aimed at mastering the programs TouchDesigner and Resolume; the main goal is the creation of an audiovisual work of art.
The best works are shown in the events of the new media art festival METAXIS.
Ksenia Sangina
The prize fund of
300 000 ₽ . May 12/13
1) Full dome content for the Planetarium №1;
2) Content for "infinite room";
3) Universal multimedia content for projection on the surface.